Screen clipping tool crashes when trying to save
Screen clipping tool crashes when trying to save

screen clipping tool crashes when trying to save

? Soldier 'Cower' animation duration corrected to match actual length of effect. ? Fixed a potential crash bug when a soldier without a current weapon was attacked in hand to hand combat. ? Mortars longer report 'No Clear Shot' when firing at a target in line of sight if there is a friendly unit is between them and the target. ? Bailed out crew members can no longer become 'stuck' beneath the vehicle they exited. ? Vehicles knocked out in the current battle no longer have a duplicate wreck created for them when you load an in-battle save. ? Vehicle weapons now orient correctly after loading an in-battle save. ? Threatened vehicle units may decide to move back if morale is low and they are damaged or they are threatened by an enemy they can't kill. ? Crews are now more likely to abandon their vehicle or gun when they are panicked and the vehicle / gun is damaged or immobilized. If recovered they will run off the friendly map edge. Surrendered soldiers can be recovered by moving a friendly unit very close to them when no enemy unit is nearby.

screen clipping tool crashes when trying to save

Surrendered soldiers drop their weapons and walk toward the enemy rear to exit the map. Soldiers may surrender when their stress is high, they are in close contact with the enemy, and there are no supporting friendly units nearby. ? UI showing host and client sides updates correctly when you select a saved game in the multiplayer host dialog. ? Fixed bug preventing some multiplayer games from advancing beyond the Debrief screen.

Screen clipping tool crashes when trying to save