Added the P38 fighter bomber to the inventory of American forces and the campaign.
Corrected several torpedo descriptions errors within the game. This default action will be saved from a game to other and can be reset, during the game (when press ESC) by choosing “Options/Reset default action” from Game options By checking this check box (called “Set as default action”) the selected action will be always performed when the situation occurs. A new option was added on “Merchant/Warship/. Some shortcut keys will toggle between current view and the next view: radio messages (M), captain’s log (K), hydrophone station (H) and radio station (R). Sonar indicator will move faster when the player is at sonar station (and clicks on the sonar dial) and now it can be dragged with the mouse. Sonar new contacts are identified as merchants or warships (not as unknown contacts as in the previous patch). Depth report only when diving (from 10 to 10 meters) Time compression will drop to 1 (if greater) when critical depth was reached. Customizable values for storm parameters for each U-Boat (see StormConditions entry for each uboat.cfg file). Navigator tells when the last waypoint was reached.
Added new buildings in German bases (harbors).Fixed the bug concerning sonar ping for clients.Campaign radio messages improved so that a message can have "from" and "to" fields.
Silent hunter 3 patch Patch#
We highly recommend before installing this patch that "all the Captains should returned to bases" or to load a previous in base save (after install) in order to avoid eventual problems. This new patch modifies game data and in this cases the saves that are made while in missions will not work properly.
Get the Silent Hunter 3 v1.4 patch off WP (18/20mb)